Freedom Fighting: A Liberator Primer
If you've ever built a webservice in Clojure, you've done it using Ring. Writing HTTP responses is boring, but fortunately Liberator provides a bunch of boilerplate that makes it easy to do and easy to read and test. This post generally assumes you've used Liberator a bit, but if not don't worry - the docs are excellent, but you should familiarise yourself with the Decision Graph before reading further.
Liberator is a time-saver for sure, but it can take a bit of experience (read: anger and frustration) to get the most out of it; luckily I've done the necessary and have some handy tips to save you time. Free your mind and the REST will follow.
1. Handling Exceptions
Liberator will catch any exceptions that are thrown by your handlers, and swallow 'em whole whilst returning a 500. Quite often you want to see what went wrong, though. You can get the exception from the context and plumb in a handle-exception
handler that can do something useful instead. Here's one that logs:
(defn handle-exception
"Log exceptions in Liberator at ERROR level."
(let [e (:exception ctx)]
(error e "Liberator caught" (.getClass e) "message:" (.getMessage e))))
You'd use this as your :handle-exception
handler function:
(defresource my-resource
:handle-exception handle-exception)
2. Resource defaults
Many of your resources will have things in common - for example, they all return the same media type. You can define a map of defaults that will be merged with any defresource
it gets passed to, to keep things DRY. This is a good place for that exception handler too:
(def resource-defaults
{:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:handle-exception handle-exception})
(defresouce my-resource resource-defaults
:handle-ok ...)
3. Returning representations before Content-Type negotiation
Before a request has made it to the :media-type-available
decision function, Liberator doesn't know what media type it should return when building responses. Unfortunately, that decision comes after others in which you're likely to want to return content in responses, such as :malformed
and :authorized
. In order for Liberator to build a Ring response for you in the usual way, you have to help it out a bit by explicitly stating the media type you want it to use for the representation:
(defresource cars
:malformed? (fn [ctx] (when-let [error (car-is-malformed? ctx)]
{:error error
:representation {:media-type "application/json"}}))
Of course, if the request is malformed then you might not be able to identify a good media type to send. You could manually interrogate the request, but I often find I just want to use JSON as the default anyway.
4. Falling back to Ring
Liberator will coerce data structures you return from handlers into Ring responses (using its as-response
function), but sometimes you need to manipulate the response a bit before pushing it out, for example to add custom headers. The ring-response
function lets you build a response manually, but Liberator 0.13 introduced a feature to override parts of a generated response whilst still using Liberator's coercion:
(defresource users
:allowed-methods [:post]
:post! (fn [ctx]
(if (user-exists? ctx)
{:conflict "A user with that email address already exists"}
(create-user! ctx)
:handle-created (fn [ctx]
(if-let [conflict (:conflict ctx)]
(ring-response {:error conflict} {:status 409})
{:name "MacLeod"}))
In this example, we're handling a POST request to create a new user. The usual response status would be 201 (Created), because that's what gets added to a response by :handle-created
, but we override that if the user already existed. The :post!
function puts a :conflict
key on the context. We can check for this and return a 409 (Conflict), which Liberator doesn't currently support for POST, along with some details of the error.
There's a good example of adding a custom header in the Altering a generated response section of the Liberator docs too.
5. Tracing
The Liberator docs on debugging explain how to use wrap-trace
, and how to use the log!
function to add your own debugging output in as well. One thing that's particularly nice is that if you use the :header
and :ui
options, you'll get a Link header that contains a relative URL. That URL points to Liberator's web interface, and it'll display the Decision Graph with the execution flow of the last request highlighted, which is really handy for debugging badly behaving resources.
6. Dispatching on request method
Sometimes you want to authorise GET and POST methods differently, or you (correctly) allow partial updates for PUT but not for POST. Liberator has a poorly-publicised helper function called liberator.core/by-method
for wrapping your decisions and handlers:
(defresource tunes
:authorized? (by-method {:get true
:post is-publisher?})
:post! create-tune
:handle-ok get-tunes)
Here we allow everyone to GET a list of tunes, but only publishers can POST new ones. This is often nicer than using multimethods that pull the method out of the request.