Tasty Korma Recipies
Korma is a handy library for SQL in Clojure; the docs are good, but sometimes an example is more useful. Here are some handy things you can do (I've used MySQL but the techniques, like Korma, can be used with any relational database), using Korma v0.4.0:
Korma can automatically process data going in (via INSERT and UPDATE) and out (via SELECT) of the database, which you can use to make your life easier in the world of Clojure.
Converting Timestamps
I like to use the most appropriate datatypes in my schemas, but often I want to use UNIX time in Clojure for working with timestamps:
(ns conan.is
(:import java.sql.Timestamp)
(:require [clj-time.coerce :refer [from-long to-long]]
[clj-time.format :refer [formatter parse unparse]]
[korma.core :refer :all]
[korma.db :refer :all]))
;; db connection defined here
(def timestamp-formatter (formatter "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
(defentity goals
(prepare (fn [{timestamp :timestamp :as v}]
(if timestamp
(assoc v :timestamp (unparse timestamp-formatter (from-long timestamp)))
(transform (fn [{timestamp :timestamp :as v}]
(if timestamp
(assoc v :timestamp (.getTime timestamp))
We define a formatter in the style of MySQL timestamps. When we insert a row, we send the timestamp column as a long, in milliseconds since the epoch. The prepare
function turns the long into a clj-time DateTime
, and then unparses that into a string using the formatter. When selecting data, the transform
function just calls the getTime()
method of the java.sql.Timestamp
that we get back from JDBC. In Clojure we only ever have to work with milliseconds since the epoch, and in the database we can use the native datatypes.
Avoiding Underscores
MySQL doesn't allow hyphens in table or column names, but in Clojure the convention is always to use hyphens in symbols. Let's use prepare
and transform
to reconcile this. Here's a table with underscores:
CREATE TABLE my_table (
my_column INT
We can define an entity that will use hyphens instead of underscores:
(defentity my-table
(table :my_table)
(prepare (fn [v] (rename-keys v {:my-column :my_column})))
(transform (fn [v] (rename-keys v {:my_column :my-column}))))
We've simply renaming a specific column on the way in and out here, but we can generalise this to replace all the hyphens:
(defentity my-table
(table :my_table)
(fn [v]
v (reduce
#(assoc %1 (first %2) (keyword (replace (name (first %2)) #"-" "_")))
{} v))))
(fn [v]
v (reduce
#(assoc %1 (first %2) (keyword (replace (name (first %2)) #"_" "-")))
{} v)))))
Here we're taking the data map and running clojure.set/rename-keys
over it, passing in a map describing how to replace underscores with hyphens that we've created by using clojure.string/replace
. Now we can avoid using underscores in the entity and column names everywhere:
(insert my-table (values {:my-column 1}))
(select my-table)
;; => {:my-column 1}
Note that when you insert a row into a table with an auto-generated primary key, Korma returns a map containing the :generated_key
for that row. This now gets transformed to :generated-key
Join Types
You can specify the join type with a keyword:
(select users (join :inner orders (= :users.id :orders.user_id))
Table Aliases
It's useful to alias columns in a select like this:
(select users (fields [:fullname :name]))
You can do the same thing with your entity names, which is handy for joins. These two are the same:
(select users
(fields :users.name :orders.product)
(join :inner orders (= :users.id :orders.user_id)))
(select [users :u]
(fields :u.name :o.product)
(join :inner [orders :o] (= :u.id :o.user_id)))